We've moved! 1400 Haddonfield-Berlin Rd Suite 104 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003




Adults 18+
*Current & Former Students are eligible to sign up now* - An updated studio handbook & tour will be scheduled to go over updated procedures.
This is not open to "production" potters as our kiln space constraints won't allow for the demand.
All students who are new to Hugs Ceramics must complete a 6 week course and then submit an application before signing up! Email hello@hugsceramics.com for questions or more information.

Membership Sales are Final & will not be eligible for full or partial refunds. By signing up, you agree you've read and understand Hugs Ceramics policies and procedures.

Click Here for 1 Month Membership
Click Here for 3 Month Membership
Click Here for 6 Month Membership
Click Here for 12 Month Membership